Friday, February 23, 2007

Perlengkapan Gereja

Di eropa ada beberapa macam perlengkapan Gereja yang digunakan untuk menyebah atau melakukan salah satu kehendak Persekutuan Gereja.

  • Lanciano, Italy -- 8th century
  • A priest has doubts about the Real Presence; however, when he consecrates the Host it transforms into flesh and blood. This miracle has undergone extensive scientific examination and can only be explained as a miracle. The flesh is actually cardiac tissue which contains arterioles, veins, and nerve fibers. The blood type as in all other approved Eucharistic miracles is type AB. Histological micrographs are shown.

  • Bolsena-Orvieta, Italy, 1263
    Again, a priest has difficulties believing in the Real Presence, and blood begins seeping out of the Host upon consecration. Because of this miracle, Pope Urban IV commissioned the feast of Corpus Christi, which is still celebrated today. Microbiological Studies

This miracle occurred during Mass in Betania, Venezuela, on the feast of the Immaculate Conception in 1991. A Consecrated Host, truly the flesh of Our Lord, began to bleed. A subsequent medical team concluded that the material extruded from the Host was blood of human origin. The local bishop declared it a sign of transubstantiation saying, "God is trying to manifest to us that our faith in the consecrated Host is authentic."

  • Blanot, France, 1331
  • The Eucharist falls out of a woman's mouth onto an altar rail cloth. The priest tries to recover the Host but all that remains is a large spot of blood the same size and dimensions as the wafer. The napkin was kept in the church as a living sign of God’s love. Later the napkin was cut and the tiny precious relic was encased in a vial of crystal. Even through two world wars, the relic never left the village. In times of unrest, it passed from house to house– being used from time to time for healing the sick. In times of peace, it returned to its proper home within the walls of the church and there it remains today for pilgrims from all over the world to see and adore. From Eucharistic Miracles by Joan Cruz, 1987, Tan Books and Publishers

  • Bagno di Romagna, Italy, 1412

  • This Eucharistic miracle occurred in the small Italian town of Bagno di Romagna as a priest was celebrating Mass and having great doubts about the True Presence of Our Lord in the Eucharist. After consecrating the wine, he looked into the chalice and was shocked to see wine turned to blood. It began to bubble out of the chalice and onto the corporal. Shaken by the event, the priest prayed for forgiveness. He eventually was given the title Venerable because of the pious life he led after the miracle. In 1958 an investigation confirmed the corporal contained human blood and still retained properties of blood nearly 600 years later. Perhaps the blood was bubbling to show us that Jesus is alive in the Eucharist. We reflect on how we need to change after receiving Him, letting Jesus become alive in us and filling us with the power of the Holy Spirit.

  • Sienna, Italy -- August 17, 1730
  • Consecrated Hosts remain perfectly preserved for over 250 years. Rigorous scientific experiments have not been able to explain this phenomena.

  • Bologna, Italy, 1933
  • The Lord gave to Imelda Lambertini a special gift at age 9 on the Feast of the Ascension in 1333. While praying, a Host appeared suspended in mid-air in front of her. The priest was called and he gave her Holy Communion. She went into ecstasy and never awakened. She died while receiving her First Holy Communion! Blessed Imelda’s incorrupt body lies in the church of San Sigismondo near the University of Bologna. Pope St. Pious X named her Protectress of First Holy Communicants. O Lord, let us die to You daily and receive You in the Eucharist as if it were our last. Let us also become as little children, having that innocent love and complete childlike trust in Your love and mercy.

  • Santarem, Portugal, 1247

  • A strange case: A host brought to a sorceress started to bleed... Fear overcame her and she went home and put the Host in a trunk, wrapped in her handkerchief and covered with clean linen.
    During the night she and her husband were awakened by a bright light coming from the trunk which illuminated the room. The wife told her husband of the incident and that the trunk contained a Consecrated Host. Both spent the night on their knees in adoration. A priest was called and took the Host back to the church and sealed it in melted beeswax.
    The miracle, 750 years old in 1997, was celebrated with much festivity in Santarem.
    We may ask why the Lord gives us these miracles and perhaps it is to show how present He is in the Eucharist and how much He loves us. He desires that all of us, even the lost sheep, come back to the fold and that He loves us, even when we sin. He is the God of Mercy and Love, and wants us to share that Love and Mercy with others.

  • Woodbridge, NewJersey, 1997

    Joe Fabics took this picture during an exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in th church of St. Joseph in Woodbridge.

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